Landscapes is an album by Voigtstr inspired by Mars.
Desolate. Ambient. Chill. Ethereal.
Music inspired by Mars
Landscapes is an album by Voigtstr inspired by Mars.
Desolate. Ambient. Chill. Ethereal.
Music pieces inspired (mostly) by the red planet.
Voigtstr creates ambient electronic soundscapes from Hobart Australia
If you have 10 minutes to spare… have a listen to Its basically a stub. I intend to add other layers to it at a later stage. This track was created on a Moog Mother-32 semi-modular analog synthesizer routed through a Hologram Electronics Microcosm and bounced out of Logic Pro. No processing or tweaking …
You can find music by Voigtstr on most music platforms. Eg on Spotify, click the magnifying glass and type in voigtstr and a link to my artist page will be returned. Click that and you’ll see my popular tracks and below that a discography which is everything published to date. Similar with Youtube, Tidal, Apple …
Firstly if you would like to comment on this post, click the title so that the comments section will show up below. On January 9, 2021 I published Northern Fields Teaser to YouTube. It was inspired by a specific landscape in the North of Tasmania. I do intend fleshing out the idea of this track …
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